Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Facebook Page!!!

Yup! You read right! 

This blog is now on Facebook!!!!

Don't worry, I will continue uploading reviews and design guides and magazines.
I have to say though that Facebook is kind of eassier to share links, interviews and artists' pages.

Don't forget to Like!!!

Don't forget to Follow by Email! -> -> ->

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Society6 Shop!!!

After my "Doodling in Class" post and of all the likes I got when I uploaded it on my Facebook profile and some Design Groups, I decided to upload it as a product on my Society6 Shop

Art Prints

Framed Art Prints

Canvas Prints

Stationery Cards

iPhone, iPod & Samsung Galaxy Cases 

iPad Cases

iPhone & iPod Skins

Laptop & iPad Skins

Throw Pillows

Tote Bags

Wall Clocks


Don't forget to Follow by Email!!!      -> -> ->

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Yesterday I finally received my Coloraptus book!
I've been waiting for weeks for this artbook to get in my hands and now I finally got it!

They even sent me a "Thank you" note ^^

What is Coloraptus?
COLORAPTUS is a charity artbook to help Zaiet Matteo Fontana Onlus (no profit association helping leukemia affected people)
Coloraptus on Facebook

(English below)
More info in Italian:
Così come i colori son tutti diversi, COLORAPTUS ha invitato artisti diversi per origine, formazione, stile e sensibilità a rappresentare ciascuno il colore prediletto.
COLORAPTUS è un vortice di colori che riunisce questi talenti per creare qualcosa di BELLO e al contempo UTILE.

Tutto il ricavato della vendita degli artbook sarà devoluto all'associazione Zaiet Matteo Fontana Onlus che si occupa del sostegno alla ricerca e ai malati (con relative famigile) affetti da malattie onco-ematologiche come la leucemia. La scelta è caduta su questa particolare associazione perché gestita in maniera familiare: è stato deciso di devolvere il ricavato ad un'associazione di fiducia per la quale anche il più piccolo contributo può fare la differenza.

Si ringraziano gli artisti che hanno partecipato, gli amici che ci hanno sostenuto e soprattutto grazie a te, lettore, che tieni questo artbook in mano. Senza di voi niente di tutto ciò sarebbe stato possibile.

Il Team del Coloraptus Project

More info in English:
Just as the colors themselves are so different, COLORAPTUS invited artists with different origins, backgrounds, styles and sensibilities to represent their favorite colors. COLORAPTUS is a whirl of color gathering their talents in order to create something BEAUTIFUL and USEFUL at the same time.

All the profit from the artbook sales will be donated to Zaiet Matteo Fontana Onlus, an organization which supports research into onco-hematological diseases such as leukemia, as well as the patients and families affected by these diseases. This association was selected because of its familiar management: it was our choice to support a trusted tiny organization for whom even the smallest contribution could make a difference.

Our thanks go to all the artists taking part, to all the friends supporting the project, and especially to you, the reader holding this artbook in your hands. Without you guys, none of this would have been possible.

The Coloraptus Project Team

More info in French:
Aussi différents que les couleurs elles-mêmes, des artistes aux différentes origines, formations et sensibilités ont été invités par COLORAPTUS à représenter leurs couleurs favorites. COLORAPTUS est un tourbillon de couleurs rassemblant leurs talents dans le but de créer quelque chose de BEAU et UTILE à la fois.

Tous les bénéfices des ventes de l'artbook seront reversés à Zaiet Matteo Fontana Onlus qui soutient la recherche et les patients (et leurs familles) atteints de maladies onco-hématologiques telles que la leucémie. Nous avons choisi cette association en raison du côté familial de sa gestion : c'était notre choix de soutenir un petit organisme de confiance pour lequel même la moindre contribution pourrait faire la différence.

Nos remerciements vont à tous les artistes qui ont prit part à ce projet, à tous les amis qui l'ont soutenu, et particulièrement à vous lecteurs, qui tenez ces artbooks dans vos mains. Sans vous les gars, rien de tout ceci n'aurait pu être possible.

L'Equipe du Projet Coloraptus.

More info in Brazilian:
Assim como as próprias cores são diferentes, COLORAPTUS convidou artistas de diferentes origens, experiências, estilos e sensibilidades para retratar suas cores favoritas. COLORAPTUS reúne seus talentos em um turbilhão de cores para criar algo BELO e ao mesmo tempo ÚTIL.

Toda a renda do livro será revertida para a Zaiet Matteo Fontana Onlus, uma ONG que oferece apoio a pesquisas de doenças onco-hematológicas, como a leucemia, bem como aos pacientes e suas famílias. A organização foi escolhida pela familiaridade com sua direção: nossa escolha foi apoiar uma organização pequena mas confiável, para quem a menor contribuição já fará uma enorme diferença.

Agradecemos a todos os artistas participantes, aos amigos que apoiaram o projeto, e principalmente a vocês, leitores deste artbook. Sem vocês nada disso teria sido possível.

Equipe Coloraptus


Artworks Incuded Previews:

 Some Full Illustrations Included:

There are still few copies left, if you are interested in buy one, feel free to send a mail to: coloraptusproject@gmail.com 

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