Tuesday, October 14, 2014

List Update: 2dArtist May, July and September 2006

Three more adds for our 2dArtist Magazine Download List!!!!

2dArtist May 2006

2dArtist July 2006

2dArtist September 2006

Don't forget to Follow by Email for updates!!!


  • I don't own those magazine volumes, I just found them on the Internet.
  • Extra or special CD's and DVD's that might be mentioned on the cover are not included.       
  • Please if your are or when you get in a position where you can buy some of those books do it. By buying you show your respect to the artists and their work, you push them to continue what they do. The money you give to buy their book/books is their salary, what provides them and their family all necessities, what helps them to get the materials in order to continue creating. Being and Artist is a Job just like all the others. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

I'm Back!!!!

Yes, I know I haven't uploaded for 4 months and I'm really, really ashamed of that...
We can say that is was a period of an artist's/writer's block for me but that would be only some part of my reasons. 
The good news is that I got a waitress job, my first job ever, because now I'll be able to have my own money to buy all the things I need and want, especially comics! The bad news is that money can disappear veeeery easily, and that while working a lot you became lazy when you get home. I spent at least three months going to work, then getting back and sleep for god knows how long and then during little time I was up reading books on my tablet or watching FOX.... Yeah, way to go for me!

I would say that the only right thing that I did was gathering supplies for this blog. I have found so many more guide books, I bought more guide books and art books and I finally got some new comics!
Okay, maybe some of them are like one or two years old but usually I bought only manga and, after reaching the amount of more than 140 volumes and getting involved with some illustration classes during my first year of Uni with a professor that worked for big American Comic Publishers I decided to enrich my west kind of comic library! It's not that I didn't like them, I did, I was just in that teenage period where the only thing I believe was worth was manga manga manga manga!

So, last Monday I finally got in my hands an order I had made about a month ago... Sorry but shipment to Greece takes a lot of time! Hold your breath and applause for the fist issues of 7 different comic series, some of them new, some kind of new and some a bit old! XD

From left to right:
Chastity, Damsels in Excess, The Returning, The Westwood Witches, White Tiger, Chaos and Shutter

I'm planning on uploading more in The ImagineFX List and 2DArtist list.
I'm still looking for a better version of Digital Art Masters Volume 2 and 3.
I'm planning on creating a new downloading list with art and design/illustration/ guide books that I've found.
I'm going to create a list with only How To Draw Manga books.
I'm going to scan some pages or whole volumes of guide books that I have bought in print.
I'm bringing more comic reviews with not only the ones bellow but some others I had left as half written post, along with a three volume comic free download!
Plus I'll be finally showing you my own art! ;)

I would suggest you to Follow by Email because the following posts will be worth Not To Miss Them!

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