Monday, October 13, 2014

I'm Back!!!!

Yes, I know I haven't uploaded for 4 months and I'm really, really ashamed of that...
We can say that is was a period of an artist's/writer's block for me but that would be only some part of my reasons. 
The good news is that I got a waitress job, my first job ever, because now I'll be able to have my own money to buy all the things I need and want, especially comics! The bad news is that money can disappear veeeery easily, and that while working a lot you became lazy when you get home. I spent at least three months going to work, then getting back and sleep for god knows how long and then during little time I was up reading books on my tablet or watching FOX.... Yeah, way to go for me!

I would say that the only right thing that I did was gathering supplies for this blog. I have found so many more guide books, I bought more guide books and art books and I finally got some new comics!
Okay, maybe some of them are like one or two years old but usually I bought only manga and, after reaching the amount of more than 140 volumes and getting involved with some illustration classes during my first year of Uni with a professor that worked for big American Comic Publishers I decided to enrich my west kind of comic library! It's not that I didn't like them, I did, I was just in that teenage period where the only thing I believe was worth was manga manga manga manga!

So, last Monday I finally got in my hands an order I had made about a month ago... Sorry but shipment to Greece takes a lot of time! Hold your breath and applause for the fist issues of 7 different comic series, some of them new, some kind of new and some a bit old! XD

From left to right:
Chastity, Damsels in Excess, The Returning, The Westwood Witches, White Tiger, Chaos and Shutter

I'm planning on uploading more in The ImagineFX List and 2DArtist list.
I'm still looking for a better version of Digital Art Masters Volume 2 and 3.
I'm planning on creating a new downloading list with art and design/illustration/ guide books that I've found.
I'm going to create a list with only How To Draw Manga books.
I'm going to scan some pages or whole volumes of guide books that I have bought in print.
I'm bringing more comic reviews with not only the ones bellow but some others I had left as half written post, along with a three volume comic free download!
Plus I'll be finally showing you my own art! ;)

I would suggest you to Follow by Email because the following posts will be worth Not To Miss Them!

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